Chandler Unified School District

Parents should always have a role in their children’s education – make your voice heard!
The Chandler Unified School District will hold an election for 2 School Board seats on November 8, 2022. School Board members are selected “At Large,” meaning voters will be able to vote for 2 of the 5 candidates on the ballot. The candidates are Kurt Rohrs, Lara Bruner, Charlotte Golla, Patti Serrano, and Marilou Estes.
Click each candidate’s name to learn more about their priorities and positions.


Rohrs is a registered Republican and has voted in Republican primary elections. He is also endorsed by Republican leaders.


Rohrs believes “political and social activism has no place in our schools” and that academics “should be the primary focus of curriculum.”


Rohrs supports parental engagement and says “parents should be welcomed in the classroom.”


Visit Kurt Rohr’s website or Facebook to learn more.

Kurt Rohrs is a father of 3 and runs a small business as a financial advisor. He is also a certified substitute teacher and school volunteer

Golla is a registered Republican and has voted in Republican primary elections. She has been endorsed by local elected leaders and several educators.


Golla believes that students should be “focusing on the basics – reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and history,” and that the district should create “a community of independent critical thinkers.”


Golla supports parental rights and calls for an end to increasingly politicized or ideological curriculum.


Visit Charlotte Golla’s website or Facebook to learn more.

Charlotte Golla is a mother of 4 and has been an active school volunteer and PTO leader.

Bruner supports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies, stating, “academic achievement is maximized when students feel included and welcomed.”


Bruner believes board members should work to “maximize academic, athletic, and social / emotional growth for every student.”


Visit Lara Bruner’s website or Facebook to learn more.

Lara Bruner currently serves on the Chandler Unified School District Governing Board and has more than 30 years of teaching experience.

Serrano is endorsed by Arizona List, an organization aimed at “empowering, equipping, and electing progressive pro-choice Democratic women leaders.”


Serrano believes there is a “concerted effort to dismantle public education,” and “continual, growing attacks on public education from our state legislature.”


Serrano supports the Stop Voucher Expansion referendum.


Visit Patti Serrano’s website or Facebook to learn more.

Patti Serrano is a mother, CUSD graduate, and works in academic research.

Estes is a registered Democrat.

On her website, Estes mentions Critical Race Theory as “causing confusion” but does not take a position on the concept.

Estes shared a political cartoon noting that parents should be concerned “with things that do happen at schools…like shootings” and not Critical Race Theory.”

Visit Marilou Estes’ website or Facebook to learn more.

Marilou Estes is a retired CUSD teacher and has lived in Arizona for 62 years.

Need to find your polling place? Visit Maricopa County’s election department page for more information.

To confirm you live within the Chandler Unified School district, visit the district’s boundary map.

Paid for by Free to Learn Action. This website is a project of Free to Learn Action. It is not affiliated with, associated with, or sponsored by the Chandler Unified School District. The official government website for the school board can be found here. | © Free to Learn Action 2022. All rights reserved.